Tassos Dimitriou is a Professor in the Computer Engineering Department of Kuwait University (KU). Dr. Dimitriou conducts research in areas spanning from the theoretical foundations of cryptography to the design and implementation of leading edge efficient and secure communication protocols. Emphasis is given in authentication and privacy issues for various types of networks (adhoc, sensor nets, RFID, smart grid, ubiquitous computing, etc.), security architectures for wireless and telecommunication networks and the development of secure applications for networking and electronic commerce.

Prior to joining KU,  Dr Dimitriou was an Associate professor at Athens Information Technology - Greece and adjunct faculty of Information Networking Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. At AIT he was leading the Algorithms and Security group where the primary objective was to bring together expertise in education, research and practice in the field of information security and algorithms. A brochure and a snapshot of this research which is still ongoing can be seen here. Dr Dimitriou was also the organizer of PRACSE, a semi-annual event event focusing on issues related to important properties of systems and business security, however, with an emphasis on practical aspects of security.

Dr Dimitriou's research in the above fields has resulted in numerous publications, some of which received distinction, and numerous invitations for talks in prestigious conferences. Furthermore, apart from his usual academic admin/teaching/research duties, he regularly consults with companies on topics related to security and he gives short and professional courses aimed at professionals and people who want to become familiar with the exciting field of network security.

Dr. Dimitriou is a senior member of IEEE, member of ACM and a Fulbright fellow. He has also been a Distinguished Lecturer for ACM.


Here are some recent conferences that I'm somehow involved. Older activities can be found here.


The Black Hat Collection

BlackHat USA - SpySense Spyware Tool

...Spy-Sense is a spyware tool that allows the injection of stealthy exploits in the heart of each node in a sensor network. Spy-Sense is undetectable, hard to recognize and get rid of, and once activated, it runs in a discrete background operation without interfering or disrupting normal network operation.

BlackHat Europe - Sensys Attack Tool

...SenSys is the first instance of an attack tool that can be used by an adversary to penetrate the confidentiality of a sensor network. It can analyze overheard radio messages and use this information to perform attacks such as Sinkhole, Replay/Modify Data, Selective Forwarding, Malicious Code Injection, etc... For more information, check out the Sensys web site!!!

and More...

Selected, representative papers (a complete list can be found here)

The material presented here is to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. If it is going to be used for other than personal use, please contact the corresponding copyright owner...


Running for fun (but not profit)

Back in March 2010, I made a potentially life changing decision: I signed up for the 28th Athens Classic Marathon, honoring the 2,500 years anniversary from the Marathon Battle. Running a Marathon was something of a "dream" when I started running a couple of years ago, but always felt like a mission impossible... Most probably this challenge would prove to be way out of my league, but I figured if there was ever a time, that would be it! Fortunately, I was good for the challenge... So, here are some pictures from my first Marathon race... (as well as a couple of subsequent ones...). Since then I ran a few more but I stopped posting them here... :-)